Convocatoria pública para la contratación de investigador y/o técnica de apoyo a la investigación, con cargos a contrato, convenios de colaboración o proyectos de investigación.

Titulación requerida:

– BUP, bachillerato, Formación profesional de segundo grado o equivalente

para mas información ir a este link



IBT es una organización académica nacida en Cataluña (España), que tiene la finalidad de impulsar la
investigación, conservación y sensibilización entorno al patrimonio biológico y las etnias de la
región tropical del planeta, fundamentalmente. Actualmente disponemos de cursos, sedes y
estaciones biológicas en 30 países diferentes: Venezuela, Perú, Amazonas, Galápagos, Cuba,
Brasil, Madagascar, Senegal, Kenia, Uganda, china, Tailandia, Australia, etc.

Colaboramos con los parques y asociaciones conservacionistas locales, así como con las
etnias, favoreciendo los programes de conservación mediante cursos de sensibilización,
prácticas universitarias, voluntariados, etc.

Todas nuestras actividades van dirigidas a estudiantes y amantes de la naturaleza en general que quieran disfrutar de la fauna más amenazada en los lugares más inhóspitos del planeta, favoreciendo y aprendiendo sobre su conservación y la de las etnias con las que conviven.
Tenemos una gran variedad de cursos, expediciones, prácticas oficiales, voluntariados, viajes de final de carrera, etc.

Pueden consultar nuestra oferta en: http://www.biotropical.org/voluntariat/

os llama la atención y queréis más información, contactad con Barbara sin compromiso y resuelvo vuestras dudas: barbara@biotropical.org /

Puesto vacante para profesor de buceo en DIVE CHARTERS Gibraltar.


OWSI PADI o Advance. Imprescindible ingles. Interesados mandar CV a info@divecharters.gi o escribir en Facebook Dive Charters


Oferta de empleo: Licenciado en Ciencias Ambientales para proyecto de fitorrestauración

Nº de vacantes: 1

Institución: Universidad de Castilla La Mancha.

Ciudad: Albacete.

Fecha máxima para envío de candidaturas: hasta el 28 de marzo de 2013.

Funciones del puesto de trabajo:


Requisitos del puesto de trabajo:

Titulación exigida, o grado(s) académicos admitidos a trámite: LICENCIADO EN CIENCIAS AMBIENTALES Y/O BIOQUIMICA Y/O BIOTECNOLOGÍA.

Procedimiento de Selección:

  1. Valoración de los méritos acreditados por los candidatos en los currícula.
  2. Realización de un supuesto relacionado con el proyecto de investigación a determinar por Comisión de Valoración, entre los candidatos que hayan superado la prueba anterior.
  3. Entrevista personal opcional, según el criterio de la Comisión de Valoración, entre los candidatos que hayan superado las dos pruebas anteriores.

Condiciones del puesto de trabajo:

Duración prevista: DESDE EL 1 DE MAYO DE 2013 HASTA EL 31 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2013.

Datos para envio de candidaturas:

La solicitud, dirigida al Ilmo. Vicerrector de Investigación y Política Científica (Pabellón de Gobierno, Plaza de la Universidad nº 2, 02071-Albacete) según modelo oficial adjunto a la convocatoria, se presentará en el Registro General de la UCLM, o en cualquier registro válido, hasta el día 28 marzo 2013, acompañando curriculum vitae y copia de todos los documentos justificativos de los méritos que alegue, incluida copia de la certificación académica personal.

para más info: http://www.uclm.es/organos/Vic_Investigacion/contratacion/convocatoriaContratacion.asp?cod_convocatoria=6235&tema





Desde el año 2008, se desarrolla un Programa de Voluntariado que propone a los interesados, conocer y formarse en el manejo y funcionamiento de un área protegida, además de colaborar en las tareas cotidianas del Refugio.

Actividades que se desarrollan:

Programa de monitoreo biológico
Monitoreo de especies claves: guanaco y puma, etc: Durante todo el año se realizan censos poblaciones y seguimiento de huellas y fecas para conocer el estado de las especies en el Refugio y la región.
Monitoreo del apostadero de lobos marinos: En el apostadero estival y durante los meses que gozan de la presencia de lobos marinos, se realiza el seguimiento de la colonia.
Monitoreo de la biodiversidad en general: Se realizan censos, conteos, estimaciones y reconocimiento de nuevas especies de la biodiversidad.

Atención de animales domésticos

En La Esperanza se cuenta con un número de animales domésticos que ayudan en la tarea cotidiana y se tiene un especial cuidado y atención para con ellos. Los/as voluntarios/as colaboran en la tarea de alimentación, aseo, control sanitario y limpieza de sus espacios.

Apoyo en las tareas cotidianas y logísticas

El Refugio es gestionado como una Reserva de Flora y Fauna no obstante requiere de tareas importantes para su funcionamiento como el mantenimiento de huellas y senderos internos, alambrados, limpieza de costa, etc.

más info en: http://www.patagonianatural.org/programa-de-voluntariado.html

La Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero convoca 50 becas para realizar trabajos de investigación en universidades o centros de investigación en el extranjero, en temas que estén comprendidos en alguna de las siguientes áreas:

• Agricultura y ganadería

• Ciencias del mar

• Ciencias de la salud

• Tecnología de alimentos

 Requisitos de los candidatos

– Nacionalidad española.

– Poseer el título de doctor de cualquier universidad española o de especialidad en Medicina (MIR), Biología (BIR), Farmacia (FIR) o Química (QUIR). En el caso de tener un título de una universidad extranjera o de un centro español no estatal se deberá acreditar la convalidación o reconocimiento de su título en España.

 Estar admitido en una universidad o centro de investigación en el extranjero para el período solicitado.

Poseer un buen conocimiento del idioma del país receptor o bien de cualquier otro idioma que permita una comunicación fluida en el centro de investigación.

 Lugar y plazo de presentación de solicitudes y documentación

 Las solicitudes, junto con los documentos requeridos, se presentarán en la Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero, Departamento de Fines Fundacionales, Avenida del Brasil 30, 28020 Madrid, hasta las 14,00 horas del día 30 de abril de 2013. También se podrán enviar por correo electrónico a la cuenta: becas@fundame.org, o por cualquier otro medio, siempre que la fecha de matasellos o la orden de envío no sea posterior a la fecha y hora límite de admisión.

– Cada candidato podrá presentar una única solicitud a la convocatoria y no se admitirán solicitudes en más de un área temática.

– Las solicitudes que se entreguen en formato de papel no se enviarán por correo electrónico y viceversa. En caso de duplicidad la solicitud se anulará.

– No se admitirá ninguna solicitud con la documentación incompleta.

– Los datos personales incluidos en los documentos presentados quedan sometidos a las medidas de protección previstas en la Ley Orgánica 15/99, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (BOE de 14 de diciembre), y serán tratados exclusivamente para las finalidades previstas en la misma, pudiendo el interesado ejercer, ante la Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero, sus derechos de acceso, rectificación y cancelación.

 Los beneficiarios de la beca autorizan a divulgar sus nombres y centros de destino en la página web y otras publicaciones de la Fundación

Para más info ir a su web http://www.fundame.org/?page_id=902 o bien en fines@fundame.org


Protección Tortugas Carey en Costa Rica

Una de las imágenes más impactantes de la naturaleza, que todos tenemos grabadasen la retina gracias a los documentales, es la de las tortugas saliendo de sus huevos enla playa y emprendiendo un camino hacia la vida. Es el final de un proceso complicado yamenazado por… el de siempre, el hombre. Afortunadamente también hay hombres ymujeres que trabajan para proteger a estas tortugas, mientras disfrutan en vivo lo queel resto sólo vemos por la tele.

Requisitos Ser mayor de 18 años Muy interesante para estudiantes de biología, ciencias ambientales…

Localización Reserva Natural en la costa del Caribe (Costa Rica)
Depósito 180€

Alojamiento y comida Incluido, Mas información en la pestaña de información básica.

Fechas Marzo-septiembre

Proteger el tesoro de las playas desiertas del Caribe Las costas caribeñas de Costa Rica son uno de los lugares de anidación más importantes del mundo. Hasta allí llegan las tortugas laud, avanzan tierra adentro y ponen sus huevos sin posibilidad de protegerlos del peor de los depredadores: el cazador furtivo.

Por eso es muy importante la tarea de vigilancia y control de los puntos de anidación. Fundamentalmente hay que vigilar la playa, estar atentos a la llegada de las tortugas y protegerlas durante del desove. Luego hay que poner esos huevos en lugares seguros y esperar a la siguiente parte del proceso.

Además de todo esto, está el marcaje y seguimiento de las tortugas para estudiar sus comportamientos migratorios, su evolución y sus cambios. Podemos decir que estarás al pie de la noticia.

Todos los datos obtenidos se envían a un centro de EE.UU.

El trabajo está dirigido por un grupo de biólogos y el entorno es el que te puedes imaginar (o mejor dicho, soñar), 800 hectáreas de bosque tropical rematadas por kilómetros de playas desiertas.

Te gustará si…

Si te gustan las playas vírgenes y desérticas, si tu imaginación se dispara con solo escuchar la palabra “Caribe”, si tienes conciencia ecológica y quieres aportar tu granito de arena en un proyecto de cuidado y conservación, si te apetece pasar una temporada de tranquilidad y desconexión, si quieres trabajar y aprender con destacados biólogos marinos, ni que decir tiene que es muy interesante para estudiantes de biología, ciencias ambientales, etc. y obviamente te encantará si te gustan las tortugas.

No te gustará si…

Si te gusta el ruido y las muchedumbres, si sólo te gustan las playas atestadas de gente, si te la trae al fresco la protección de las especies en peligro de extinción, y si de un tres estrellas no bajas.

El motivo del programa y papel del participante Bajo la supervisión de nuestros biólogos marinos y un guía, pequeños grupos de cooperantes vigilan la playa cada noche en turnos de 3 a 5 horas (dependiendo del número de tortugas que lleguen a los nidos) para hacer el seguimiento de las tortugas marcadas.

Si la tortuga ya ha puesto los huevos, intentamos camuflar el nido de los cazadores furtivos, o en caso de que se disponga a ponerlos, recogemos los huevos en una bolsa par después colocarlos en un nido artificial que cavamos cerca y camuflamos. En caso de que la tortuga ponga los huevos demasiado cerca de la orilla, hacemos lo mismo para evitar que la marea se los lleve y los destruya.
La marcación de las tortugas es una parte muy importante del trabajo en la playa: las etiquetas se colocan en la parte trasera de la aleta a la derecha e izquierda, cada una lleva un número y una dirección en caso de que la etiqueta sea encontrada. De esta forma podemos saber cuando la tortuga regresa a nuestra playa o si ha sido marcada en otra distinta. Al final de la estación, nosotros y otros proyectos que se desarrollan en el país, enviamos los números de identificación y toda la información recabada a un centro en Estados Unidos, donde se guardan y utilizan para el posterior aprendizaje sobre el la anidación y migración de las tortugas.

Tu día a día Cada día es diferente y las actividades a desarrollar pueden varias en función de la playa en la que estés colaborando. Algunas de las tareas que desarrollarás son las siguientes:

  • Colaborar en la construcción de criaderos para las tortugas.
  • Describir la dinámica de anidación de las tortugas marinas hembras que llegan a la playa para protegerlas para la próxima temporada.
  • Proteger y seguir de cerca de los nidos que se recuperan en las incubadoras
  • Patrullar la playa en busca de tortugas marinas y sus nidos, ya sea durante el día o la noche, por turnos de dos o cuatro horas. Durante la temporada alta, las patrullas podrían durar más tiempo, hasta cuatro o cinco horas.
  • Mover huevos de los nidos a las incubadoras y viceversa. Proceso de control.
  • Marcar las zonas donde anidan las tortugas.
  • Búsqueda de tortugas marcadas y recogida de datos
  • Recogida de huevos en la playa.
  • Recogida de información sobre todo el proceso por el control de la incubadora y hacer el seguimiento de cada evento.
  • Ayudar con el mantenimiento de las instalaciones del proyecto.
  • Plantación de árboles en diferentes zonas.
  • Ayudar a extraer y embalar los huevos que se venden legalmente (sólo el 1% de todos los huevos puestos)

Horario y Tiempo Libre Tendrás tiempo libre para visitar y ddisfrutar

 más información en la web: http://www.puromundo.com/



Research assistants required to assist with a PhD study in common dolphin ecology.

Two research assistants are required to assist with a PhD study
investigating common dolphin ecology (*Delphinus* sp.) in the Bay of
Plenty, New Zealand. This PhD project is part of the ongoing research of
the New Zealand Common Dolphin Project (NZCDP) and the Coastal-Marine
Research Group (C-MRG) at Massey University Albany, Auckland. (


Growing interest in observing and swimming with free-ranging cetaceans has
contributed to a rapid growth of dolphin-based tourism operations. The PhD
project aims to examine distribution and habitat use of common dolphins in
the East Coast Bay of Plenty and assess the effects of interacting
activities on both populations. Part of the study focuses on
photo-identification in order to assess common dolphin site fidelity in the
Bay of Plenty.


March – September 2013. A minimum commitment of 3 months is required.
Priority will be given to candidates who can commit for longer periods.


Tauranga, New Zealand


Analysis of photo-identification data, including assistance with photo
sorting, grading, and matching, sighting data entry, maintenance of
long-term photo-id catalogue using a MS Access database. Research
assistants should be prepared to work long days analysing photographs and
matching them with the photo-identification catalogue.

Opportunistically, the candidate will be able to join the team on the field
and learn environmental and behavioural data collection for cetaceans.
Surveys will be conducted from tourism boats. Surveys will be carried out
in the coastal waters of Tauranga. Fieldwork is weather dependent and can
vary between weekdays and weekends.

Assistants need to be available FULL-TIME (including WEEKENDS and PUBLIC
HOLIDAYS if on the field) and be prepared to work on computer 6-8 hours per

This position is suitable in the framework of a degree, with the
opportunity to write up a report/thesis for the candidate university/school.


. Be meticulous, reliable, adaptable, hardworking and patient.

. Have a mature and independent attitude towards marine mammal research.

. Speak fluent English

. Be sociable, enthusiastic and have a positive attitude

. Strong interest in the marine environment and conservation

. Previous experience in photo-ID on small cetaceans will be considered.


. The project is well suited to upper level undergrads, recent grads and
graduate students who have some background in Biology, Marine Biology,
Ecology, Zoology or related fields.

. Basic computer proficiency in Microsoft Office (especially Excel and

Preferred qualifications but not required:

. Field research including photo-identification experience

. Previous experience in survey techniques and especially in marine mammal

. Prior experience working on small research vessels


This is a volunteer position, so there is unfortunately no monetary
compensation or living provisions. However, help can be provided to find
accommodation. Assistants will be responsible for travel to Tauranga and
their own living expenses.

Applicants should email a letter of interest outlining relevant experience
and motivation for participation, as well as a CV and the contacts for
referees to Anna Meissner


Early application is recommended as applications will be examined in order
of reception.

Kindest regards,

Anna Meissner

Anna M. Meissner
PhD student
Coastal-Marine Research Group
Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences
Massey University
Private Bag 102 904
North Shore City, 0745
Auckland, New Zealand

Tel: +64 9 414 0800 ext 41520
Cell: +64 22 603 6646
Fax: +64 9 443 9790

Email: a.m.meissner@massey.ac.nz
Web: http://cmrg.massey.ac.nz


South African Bryde?s whale project. False Bay, Cape Town, South Africa. 22 April ? 19 May 2013.

The South African Bryde?s whale project, administered through the University of Pretoria?s Mammal Research Institute (MRI), is looking for a motivated individual to join our small team for a month of fieldwork in False Bay, Cape Town from the 22 April to 19 May 2013 (dates may vary slightly). The selected candidate will gain experience in all aspects of fieldwork including data collection (photo-identification, biopsy sampling, data recording and entry, handling genetic samples), boat and equipment maintenance and the sharing of communal duties. The candidate must be relatively fit and strong (able to lift a minimum of 25kg), able to withstand long days at sea on our 6m RIB and be a willing team participant.  Previous experience with marine mammal work is not essential however he/she must show a keen desire to learn and be part of all aspects of the work. Applicants with a BSc in biological sciences and experience with a digital SLR camera will be preferred.

The intern will be required to join the project for the duration of the fieldwork period (4 weeks).  The cost of the internship is; Euro 1 200 or US$ 1 600, excluding flights to Cape Town.
Interested persons should please send their CV to Dr Gwenith Penry, gpenry@iziko.org.za<mailto:gpenry@iziko.org.za>, and provide a short paragraph outlining why they would like to join our team and what they hope to gain from the experience. Further information about the project (background to the work, travel logistics, what to bring etc) will then be provided.

Kind regards

Gwenith Penry
Postdoctoral Researcher
Mammal Research Institute, University of Pretoria
Email: gpenry@iziko.org.za<mailto:gpenry@iziko.org.za>

 Open position on effects of underwater noise on marine ecosystems in Danish and Arctic areas

Dear colleagues,

We are very happy to invite applications for a position on effects of underwater noise on marine ecosystems in Danish and Arctic areas. It is a 4 year position at post-doc level, with perspectives for further employment beyond that. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact me for further information. The group and the department is an internationally oriented environment and we highly welcome qualified applications from abroad.
Link to the call and application forms is: http://www.au.dk/stillinger/nat/vip/, look for «Researcher – Underwater Noise». Deadline for applications is Feb. 27, 2013.

Best regards

Jakob Tougaard

Jakob Tougaard, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
Department of Bioscience
Aarhus University
Frederiksborgvej 399
P.O. box 358
DK-4000 Roskilde
Phone +45 8715 8706
Mobile +45 4098 4585
Fax +45 8715 5015
E-mail: jat@dmu.dk<mailto:jat@dmu.dk>
Skype: Jakob.Tougaard
Homepage: www.dmu.dk<http://www.dmu.dk/>
CV/VAT: 10859387, EAN: 5798000419988

Researcher – underwater noise: Aarhus University in Roskilde, Denmark

At the Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University in Roskilde, Denmark, we are seeking an employee to manage primarily research-based advisory on biological effects of underwater noise. The advisory is primarily for the Governments of Greenland and Denmark and pertains to regulation of noise from for example oil exploration, vessel noise and sonar. Among your duties will be contributions to and evaluations of Environmental Impact Assessments, guidelines and technical advice, as well as planning and participation in monitoring programs. Besides you will be part of the institute’s remaining research and advisory activities regarding marine mammals. The advisory regarding Greenland will be in close collaboration with the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources; however you will be based in Denmark.

We wish to fill this position with a biologist, engineer or the like with experience in underwater acoustics, hearing physiology and bioacoustical problems. It is expected that applicants have solid experience with general acoustics and has – or within short time can obtain – comprehensive knowledge of the necessary background regarding hearing in marine organisms, underwater acoustics, and effects of underwater noise on marine organisms including behavioral changes.

The Department of Bioscience is an active and internationally oriented professional environment within marine mammals (Danish and Arctic) and environmental effects of oil and mineral activities. We are the prime advisors for the Greenland Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum, the Greenland Government, regarding oil exploration and mineral activities and we are the prime advisors for the Danish Nature Agency, the Danish Government, regarding management of marine mammals in Denmark. Besides we advise a suit of authorities and private companies in Denmark and abroad within a wide range of management related problems regarding marine mammals and underwater noise.

It will be a great advantage if you speak and write Danish, but it is not a precondition. To be hired as a researcher it is a prerequisite that you hold a Ph.D. Workplace is Roskilde, Denmark. The position is a four year vacancy. For more information, please contact Jakob Tougaard (phone +45 40984585) or Anders Mosbech (phone +45 87158686).

Formalities and salary range

The Faculty of Science refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation<http://www.au.dk/en/rules/2008/bek284>.

Further information on qualification requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities<http://www.au.dk/en/rules/2006/vtu1>.

The application must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, degree certificate, a complete list of publications, a statement of future research plans and information about research activities, teaching portfolio and verified information on previous teaching experience (if any). The recommended level of detail<http://science.au.dk/en/positions-and-fellowships/academic-positions/rules-and-instructions/curriculum-vitae-for-applications-for-scientific-positions/>.

Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Unions.


All applications must be made online and received by:


 Employment Opportunity Announcement – Education Coordinator
The Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network (TMMSN) is a non-profit 501C3 organization dedicated to the conservation of marine mammal through rescue and rehabilitation, research and education along the Texas coast.
TMMSN Is currently seeking an Education Coordinator for our Marine Mammal Education Program.  Our Education Program is designed to educate the public on efforts related to the understanding and conservation of marine mammals, how they can become involved, and more specifically the conservation efforts of TMMSN and its mission.
The Education Coordinator is a part-time, temporary position without benefits that will work out of our Rehabilitation and Research Center in Galveston, TX.  Although the position is temporary, if there is consistent growth of the program and additional funding becomes available, there is potential for the position to become permanent.   The Education Coordinator is responsible for the development of programs for the TMMSN Education Program and reports to the Executive Director.  This person develops curriculum, activities, educational lectures, outreach booths, exhibit displays and updated educational materials.  Depending on program activities, hours will vary from 20-30 hours each week and will require flexibility of schedule, including working weekends in order to cover program events.
Essential Functions and Responsibilities:

*   Develop educational outreach programs related to marine mammals of the Gulf and TMMSN activities appropriate for presentation to both educational institutions and other interested groups.

*                    Work closely with local school districts to develop public and home school curriculum that may be used by teachers

*                    Develop activities for curriculum and events

*                    Develop programs for public groups to include but not limited to: Boy/Girl Scouts, church groups, dive clubs, rotary clubs, etc.

*                    Prepare grants and reporting requirements to support the operating expenses and expansion of the education program

*                    Schedule volunteers for outreach events

*   Coordinate and present public presentations, demonstrations, and lectures relevant to the mission of TMMSN.

*                    Develop informational lecture and presentation formats to target a range of age groups and audiences

*                    Arrange presentation schedule with interested groups

*                    Track invoice/payment information for lectures

*                    Contact representatives from local fairs and events to coordinate Education booths, presentations, and lectures

*                    Document and track participation in events

*                    Provide updates and reports as requested for Board of Directors meetings with information on Education program

*   Oversee the development of educational materials and displays.

*                    Produce educational materials for education programs

*                    Create displays for booths, presentations/lectures

*                    Manage volunteers assisting with these projects

*                    Develop budget needed for the development of such materials and displays

*   Assist with other TMMSN duties as assigned


*   Candidate must be enthusiastic and able to engage audiences of all ages
*   Strong public speaking skills (experience in leading/teaching school groups and/or leading tours preferred)
*   Clear and concise writing skills
*   Ability to multi-task and complete tasks efficiently
*   Attention to detail with strong organizational skills
*   Works well with others, is able to give direction and delegate tasks
*   Experience in grant writing and/or grant budgeting and reporting a plus
*   Ability to lift and load education equipment (approx. 30 -50lbs), set up exhibits, and outreach booths
*   Ability to drive a large vehicle and has clean driving record
*   Educational background and/or experience in environmental education
*   Must be able to work outdoors in all types of weather conditions
*   Must be able to stand for long periods of time
*   Adaptability/Flexible Schedule
*   Proficient in Microsoft Office programs

To Apply:  Please send a cover letter and resume with at least two professional references attention to Heidi Whitehead, Executive Director by email to hwhitehead@tmmsn.org<mailto:hwhitehead@tmmsn.org>.  Please include «Education Coordinator» in subject line.  Deadline for applications is Feb. 15, 2013.  Please no phone calls regarding the position.  Criminal background checks and verification of references will be completed.

Heidi R. Whitehead
Executive Director
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network
4700 Avenue U.
Galveston, TX  77551
409.740.2200 voice
409-740-2207 fax

Manatee Photo-identification Internships

The manatee photo-identification program is based in St. Petersburg, Florida at the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI). FWRI is the research arm of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), a state agency. For more information about FWRI, please visit: www.MyFWC.com/research/<http://www.MyFWC.com/research/>. FWRI’s manatee photo-identification research focuses on the long-term monitoring of Florida manatees in southwest Florida. The primary goal of our program is to document individual manatees. These capture histories are used to estimate annual adult survival rates and to model population dynamics for state and federal assessments of Florida manatee status and recovery. Photo-identification data also provide insight regarding manatee movements, site fidelity, habitat use, behavior, intra- and inter- specific associations, and reproductive parameters such as calving intervals and length of calf dependency.

Interns will primarily assist staff members with photographing manatees and collecting behavioral and environmental data at sites around Tampa Bay. Interns will also be responsible for a number of lab-based photo-identification tasks, such as downloading images, entering information into databases, scanning data sheets, and matching images to known animals. Interns often collect data independently in the field, thus responsible, detail oriented applicants are encouraged to apply. Most field work is land-based, however during the winter session opportunities are available to assist with boat-based manatee photo-identification. Other responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, data entry, special projects, and outreach activities. This internship provides a great opportunity to gain valuable field and lab experience at a government agency.

Two positions are available each year: one position in the winter (November-March) and one position in the summer (May-September). Start and end dates are flexible, however, a minimum commitment of four weekdays per week for four months is required. Work hours are typically 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is no compensation for these internship positions and successful applicants will be responsible for their own housing and transportation to and from the institute. Positions are open until filled.

*         Computer proficiency; Microsoft Access literacy preferred.
*         Working knowledge of SLR digital cameras, filters, and lenses preferred, but not required.
*         The ability to lift approximately 50 pounds of equipment.
*         A valid U.S. Driver’s License.
*         Enthusiasm and willingness to learn field and lab based research methods.

Application process:
Please submit your cover letter, resume, college transcripts (unofficial are sufficient), and the contact information for three references via hardcopy to FWRI’s Intern Coordinator, Robin Allen, at the address listed below. Alternatively, application materials may be submitted via email to Interns@MyFWC.com<mailto:Interns@MyFWC.com>.  Please indicate in your cover letter the position for which you are applying and the dates you are available.

Robin Allen
Internship Coordinator
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
100 8th Avenue SE
St. Petersburg, FL 33701-5020

Applicants may contact FWRI’s Manatee Photo-identification Project Manager, Kari Rood, (Kari.Rood@MyFWC.com<mailto:Kari.Rood@MyFWC.com>, 727-896-8626 x1912) with questions regarding the internship.


The Marine Mammal Center, an equal opportunity, non-profit employer, is seeking a Veterinary Technician to join our team. The Marine Mammal Center’s mission is to expand knowledge about marine mammals-their health and that of their ocean environment-and to inspire their global conservation. Our core work is the rescue and rehabilitation of sick and injured marine mammals, supported by state-of-the-art animal care and research facilities, a corps of dedicated volunteers, and an engaged community.

Reporting to the Director of Veterinary Science, the Veterinary Technician is a full-time, non-exempt position with competitive benefits. The Veterinary Technician supports the work of the Veterinary Science Department. They are responsible for the assessment of the patients and routine procedures, which includes physical exams, surgical assistance, processing and collecting biological samples, and supporting research projects. They need to communicate clearly with the Veterinarians, volunteers, and other Marine Mammal Center personnel to ensure the animals receive the care they need. The Veterinary Technicians provide training, supervision, and leadership for the volunteer animal care team, visiting Veterinary Students, and the Veterinary Technician Interns. The Veterinary Technicians work with a diverse group of people at The Marine Mammal Center, which require the ability to be flexible in the face of varying situations.

Core Competencies — Knowledge and Skills:

*   Must possess strong interpersonal skills
*   Demonstrated leadership
*   Demonstrated good decision-making
*   Maintain high standards of patient care
*   Respond calmly and quickly to emergency and crisis situations

*   Demonstrated knowledge of marine mammal anatomy
*   Demonstrated ability to prepare and collect biological samples
*   Ability to record and manage the animal care records
*   Ability to safely and competently operate equipment pertinent to carrying out their duties, including but not limited to anesthesia, digital x-ray machines, and lab equipment
*   Ability to work closely with wild animals, which requires physical strength, dexterity and reflexes to keep themselves and other personnel around them safe
*   Ability to travel to satellite facilities and must work on rotating shifts and weekends
*   Basic computer literacy. Advanced data management skills desired

Major Responsibilities:

*   Update and maintain animal charts

*   Complete routine exams; including obtaining blood samples
*   Provide surgical assistance to veterinarians
*   Order and maintain medical supplies
*   Order surgery equipment and maintain surgery suite
*   Restock medical and husbandry supplies
*   Maintain controlled drug log
*   Administer injectable and gas anesthesia, and monitor animals under anesthesia
*   Instruct classes on Basic Animal Husbandry, Basic Medical Procedures, and Advanced Medical Procedures

Minimum Qualifications:

*   California State License for Veterinary Technicians or Equivalent (from another state) and ability to obtain CA License within one year
*   1 year of clinical veterinary technician/assistant experience
*   Valid California Driver’s license

To apply:

Please send a cover letter and resume attention Human Resources Director & IT Manager to admin@tmmc.org<mailto:admin@tmmc.org>. Please put «Veterinary Technician» in the subject line. Deadline for applications is February 15, 2013. Please no phone calls or faxed submissions.

Heather Groninger
Human Resources Director and IT Manager
The Marine Mammal Center
2000 Bunker Road
Fort Cronkhite
Sausalito, CA 94965
Fax: 415-754-4048

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